Subsequently, four fire engines have arrived, firefighters spent more than an hour before the fire in the building the color plate extinguish the fire.120 emergency vehicles will be man to hospital. 随后,四辆消防车先后赶到,消防人员用了一个多小时才将着火的彩钢板建筑里的大火扑灭。
Bring this patient to the emergency room for first aid at once. But I am in a great hurry, man, to take that dispatch. 马上把这位病人送急诊室进行急救。不过,我很着急呢,伙计,得送那份急件。
Lahore Police say they have set up a number of emergency roadblocks throughout the city and are also conducting raids in pursuit of the man and those who took him. 拉合尔市警方说,他们已在该市设立了一些紧急路障,并且进行了一些突击搜查,以寻找这名男子和绑架者。
Today emergency management is still assessing the damage One million man-hours were lost through industrial action. 今天突发时间处理组还在统计损失在工人罢工期间损失了100万工时。
In a transportation network, especially in an emergency evacuation network, where man is the moving unit, blockage often occurs. 在流通网络,特别是紧急疏散网络中,人是流动的主体,他的流动方向是随机的,不确定的,因此经常发生堵塞。
Especially in the case of public emergency, non-profit organizations demonstrated by the quick response, flexibility and professional characteristics, which make it to become a right-hand man in assisting the government to solve the case of public emergency. 尤其是在突发公共事件中,非营利组织所表现出来的反应迅速、机动灵活和专业针对性强的特点成为了协助政府更好的解决突发公共事件的得力助手。